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Sweet Tea & Manna

 A Blog by Kayla Ferris

What I’ve learned recently

- You can eat corn on the cob straight from the field, you can boil it, bake it in the oven, grill it, make corn dip, corn salad, corn chowder. But after trying all of these in one week…you learn there is such a thing as too much corn.

- It is fun to give corn away. Also, people love corn. I’m assuming it is easier and more fun to give away than broccoli.

- Corn is fun…but right now I feel like this:

- Some people are grossed out by the thought of people who do not floss daily. I apologize for being gross.

- My cousins live in South Texas where Hurricane Harvey hit hard. One cousin’s husband is a first responder. I just learned he has been working 16 hour days, sleeps at the station, hasn’t showered, had clean clothes or been home since before the hurricane hit. He called her and said he wouldn’t be home for several days yet. I was reminded to not only pray for the victims…but also the men and women who are helping them.

- I found an online spin class video to try on our exercise bike. I learned I can not stand up and pedal at the same time. How do they do that? What is wrong with me?!

​- I learned that my baby boy, Benjamin, turned 6 yesterday.

If you don’t know that story, here is a super condensed version: 4 years ago, we decided to file a dossier for an international adoption from Ethiopia. Around that same time we learned of Benjamin at Project Canaan in Swaziland, Africa. He came to them badly in need of medical attention. Our hearts were so soft for little ones, especially from the continent of Africa. We covered his medical cost. Then I became pregnant with Callie. And then we moved across state lines, which made many of our dossier papers invalid. The adoption fell through. Instead of spending the money to update everything, we sent it to Project Canaan. Now it helps babies that I don’t get to bring home and rock myself…but I love them so. So my baby boy Ben is now 6, and so very handsome. Someday I will visit Swaziland and meet this guy in person, but until then, Happy Birthday little man!

- Be careful when you sign up to be a part of a book launch team. They are so nice. They send you a free book. You’ve met the author and she is so nice. She has such cute kids. Then you read the book and are asked to give a review. And you want so much to encourage these nice people, but you feel obligated to be honest to the public. Ugh! The internal struggle! If only she hadn’t made me feel gross for not flossing daily…

- I saw a t-shirt that said, “Jesus took naps. Be like Jesus.” Yes. My mother-in-law got me a shirt that says, “Running on grace and coffee.” Yes and Yes. It’s foggy out and feeling like a t-shirt and coffee and nap kind of day.

Happy Tuesday!



Kayla Ferris is a member of the Proverbs 31 First5 writing team, and the author of eight First5 study guides (and counting!) She is a wife to her favorite farmer in the world, Gabe, and the mother of their four daughters. When she isn’t writing, reading, chauffeuring the kids, or watching crops grow, you might find her teaching a drama class at the kids’ school, laughing at funny internet videos, or ordering a Matcha Frappuccino. You can connect with Kayla on Instagram or Facebook, where she loves to share what she has been learning from God’s Word.

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